
Starters & aperos, Main dishes
Kickass nachos with homemade chili

Starters & aperos, Sides, Vegetarian
Fennel, oranges and black olives salad

Lunches, Starters & aperos, Sides, Vegetarian
Tomato salad with avocados, mozzarina and fresh basil

Starters & aperos, Main dishes
Cheese fondue with oyster mushrooms and Don de dieu beer

Starters & aperos, Vegetarian
Brie en croûte with caramelized pears and beer

Starters & aperos
Turkey and bacon meatballs

Starters & aperos, Vegetarian
Boursin stuffed mushrooms with pecans

Starters & aperos, Sides, Vegetarian
Goat cheese croutons

Starters & aperos
Prosciutto wrapped scallops

Starters & aperos, Main dishes
Cheese and beer soup with Don de Dieu

Starters & aperos, Main dishes
French Onion Soup with Fin du Monde

Starters & aperos
The Catalan croutons