Duck magret prosciutto with fine herbs

Duck magret prosciutto with fine herbs
  • Preparation 30 min + 10 to 12 days
  • Refrigeration 24 h
  • Servings 2 breasts
  • Freezing Absolutely
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Duck magret prosciutto with fine herbs


Do you want to have a taste in the wonderful world of deli meats? Homemade duck breast prosciutto is a great way to jump into the adventure. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result !!!




  • 2 duck magrets
  • About 4 cups coarse salt
  • 10 fresh thyme sprigs
  • 6 fresh oregano sprigs
  • Cheese cloth and butcher’s twine



  • In a small dish with high rims, pour about 1 cm of salt in the bottom.
  • Place the duck breasts on the salt, skin up. Pour enough salt to cover the breasts.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and reserve in the fridge for 24 hours. Rinse with cold water to remove salt and pat with paper towels.
  • Place the breasts on cheesecloth, flesh up, and spread the herbs. Wrap with cotton cloth so that it has 2 or 3 layers, and tie securely with string. Suspend in a cool, slightly damp room for 10 to 12 days until the meat is firm and dark and the duck have lost 30% of its weight. (I made it in my kitchen at 20°C with 30% humidity.) Place in the fridge for 30 minutes, slice thinly and serve with fruits, crackers and cheese!
Duck magret prosciutto with fine herbs
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