The ultimate guide to food and drink festivals
Summer means… FESTIVAL! Here’s THE ultimate guide to Quebec’s food and alcohol festivals. Over 30 festivals, all over Quebec, to delight your taste buds and your ears. On the program: Music, Beer, Cider, Foodtruck, World Food, etc. Stay tuned, I’ll be present at many of these festivals. Follow me on social networks @Hoppy_Bitch!

☀️☀️☀️ALL SUMMER☀️☀️☀️
🍽️ Les Premiers Vendredis – Les Premiers Vendredis
When: Every first Friday of the month, from June 2 to October 6, 2023
Where: Esplanade du Stade Olympique, Montreal
What: “By focusing on street food, Les Premiers Vendredis hopes to contribute to the democratization of Quebec gastronomy. As they consider it to be a decisive part of our culture, Les Premiers Vendredis are determined to raise the profile of all players in the culinary industry.”
🍟 Le Grand Poutine Fest – Le Grand Poutinefest
When: April 27 to September 17
Where: Various cities in Quebec
What: “The poutine festival promises a real change of scenery, with recipes each more incredible than the last and tens of thousands of pounds of potatoes. Drinks will be provided by Archibald microbrewery with its beers, and don’t miss out on privately imported wines and artisanal lemonade. A variety of entertainers and entertainment, including giant games, exhibitors and live music, will round out the atmosphere.”
🍽️ Destination Peel Festival gourmand –
When: May 11 to October 2, 2023
Where: On Peel Street between Sainte-Catherine and Maisonneuve Streets, Montreal
What: “Welcome epicureans, gourmets and food lovers. Come and discover a refreshing musical atmosphere with performances by your favorite DJs from the Montreal scene. A gourmet festival showcasing the diversity of Peel Street’s restaurants and street art.”

When: June 8 to 11, 2023
Where: Bassin Peel, Montreal
What: “A four-day celebration of Japan and its street food. A dozen culinary kiosks will offer a menu of Japanese street food. Montrealers will be able to discover more than twenty merchant booths and exhibitors of Japanese products.”
*I’ll be at the launch on Thursday, June 8! Follow me on social networks to see more.
🍽️ Sherbrooke t’en bouche un coin – Festival – Sherbrooke t’en bouche un coin
When: June 8 to 11, 2023
Where: Marché de la Gare, Sherbrooke
What: “For four days, meet a wide variety of chefs and producers who will present their creations: various tapas, beer, wine, cider, confectionery, bakery, pastry, condiments, there’s something for everyone!”
🍺 Drummond en bière – Festival de bière à Drummondville
When: June 8-11, 2023
Where: Parc Woodyatt, Drummondville
What: “Drummond en bière is a microbrewery festival promoting Quebec know-how and inviting the public to discover the art of brewery tasting. The event also celebrates the pleasures of taste by showcasing the passion of local flavor creators through a unique experience.”
*I’ll be there on Saturday, June 9, so come and meet me!
🍺 Fiesta Terraza – Saison 2023 — Bière Garden
When: June 10, 2023
Where: Microbrasserie Toltek, Boucherville
What: “Release of exclusive beers, guest breweries, collaborative beers, entertainment and many other elements that will make this launch event a more than festive day. Tropical vibe in sight. A collaboration between Bière Garden and Toltek.
🥡 Chợ Đêm – CHO DEM MTL
When: June 15-18, 2023
Where: Bassin Peel, Montreal
What: “It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to participate in the first edition of Chợ Đêm MTL, a celebration of Vietnamese cultural identity in Quebec in the form of a large street food market. It’s a unifying event where Vietnamese cuisine will be showcased alongside retail space and cultural activities.”
*I’ll be at the launch on June 15 and behind the bar on Saturday, June 17, to get you drunk! Follow me on social networks to see more.
🍽️ Fromages bouffe et traditions – Fromages, Bouffe & Traditions de Victoriaville
When: June 15-18, 2023
Where: Vélogare du Grand-Tronc, Victoriaville
What: “Fromages, Bouffe & Traditions de Victoriaville” brings together a world of cheeses and good food with a world of entertainment and culture. On the menu: Sentier Gourmand, food trucks, theater, evening musical performances and family activities.”
🍺 Commission brassicole Saint-Casimir – Commission Brassicole
When: June 16-18, 2023
Where: Rue Tessier Est, Saint-Casimir
What: “On the menu: an ultra-festive three-day program to entertain you and liven up Saint-Casimir’s old main street, microbreweries to help you discover their excellent products and local artisans to feed you.”
🍺 Bières vins & terroir de Sorel – Bières vins & terroir
When: June 30 and July 1, 2023
Where: Municipal grounds, Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel
What: “The people of the Sorel-Tracy region have a reputation as connoisseurs of quality beers, fine epicureans and lovers of fine wines. The fourth edition of Bières vins & terroir will take place on Friday June 30 and Saturday July 1, 2023 in Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel. A total of 35 exhibitors (microbreweries, wineries, distilleries and foodtrucks) will be on hand: “I’ll be on site from June 30 to July 1.
*I’ll be on site from June 30 to July 1, so come and meet me!

When: July 13 to 16, 2023
Where: Quai de l’horloge, in Montreal’s Old Port
What: “Set off on an incredible culinary exploration at the StreetFood Montréal Festival! Discover over 100 Asian, European, Latino and Québécois dishes by some 20 of our favorite Montreal restaurants and chefs. This not-to-be-missed event invites you to feast on Takoyaki, Papaya Salad, Churros, Dim Sum or Elote while drinking Cafe Sua Da and much more! Something for everyone. Also featuring local artists, inflatable games and special performances to delight young and old alike!”
🍺 Cultive ta soif – Saison 2023 — Bière Garden
When: July 8, 2023
Where: La Ferme Brasserie Rurale, Shefford
What: “La Ferme Brasserie Rurale will host the Beer Garden in its picturesque space. This event focuses on brew farms and beer-making with local ingredients. A menu of exceptional guest breweries. Surprises and exclusive beers to come. A collaboration between Bière Garden and La Ferme.”
🍺 Festival OFF de Québec – Saison 2023 — Bière Garden
When: July 15, 2023
Where: Parc John Munn, Quebec City
What: “Our friends in Quebec City have invited us to take part in the Off Festival festivities in John Munn Park. Our entire layout will join the Off’s musical program, right across from the Barberie. We’ll be serving a menu created especially for the occasion. A collaboration between Bière Garden and La Barberie.”
🍺 Festival des bières de Laval – Festival des Bières de Laval
When: July 14 to 16, 2023
Where: Centre de la nature, Laval
What: “The Laval Beer Festival brings together 85 exhibitors, including 40 Quebec microbreweries from all regions of Quebec. There are also booths represented by Quebec cider makers, restaurateurs and local agri-food products. The program also includes food and beer pairing workshops, a children’s play area and an outdoor stage featuring a variety of musical performances. ”
*I was at the launch! Follow me on social networks to see more.
🍺 Festival bières du monde de Saguenay – Festival des Bières du Monde de Saguenay
When: July 20-22, 2023
Where: Chicoutimi port area, Chicoutimi
What: “The Festival des bières du Monde de Saguenay is one of the largest brewing events in Quebec. It welcomes over 90,000 visitors and features over 60 exhibitors and artisans, some 450 beers for tasting and a dozen local products. The FBM also features performances by international artists on the main stage!”
🍺 Festival bière Alma – Festival des bières d’Alma
When: July 27-29, 2023
Where: Saint-Joseph Church parking lot, Alma
What: “Once again this year, we’re proud to welcome an impressive list of Quebec brewery exhibitors and distillers to share their expertise with you. Since 2013, the Alma Beer Festival has been offering the best of Quebec’s microbreweries in an urban, festive and friendly atmosphere. Beer lovers, we look forward to seeing you in large numbers at the ninth edition.”
🍎 Soif de cidre – SOIF DE CIDRE MONTRÉAL
When: July 28-30, 2023
Where: Hangar 1825, Montreal
What: “To refresh you, we invite you to dive into the world of Quebec cider with us at Soif de cidre Montréal. What better way to celebrate and savour the best that nature has to offer? Come and meet the producers who make magic with our apples!
🍺 Le Festibière de Lévis – Le Festibière de Lévis
When: June 29 to July 2, 2023
Where: Quai Paquet, Lévis
What: “This summer, the Festibière de Lévis will show you the sights and drinks of the country! Rediscover your classics in a voyage & découverte atmosphere from July 29 to 2, 2023. It’s the perfect opportunity to get away from it all, just a few minutes from home, and get into vacation mode right down to your beer.”
🍺 Festival de la bière Côte-Nord – Festival de la bière Côte-Nord
When: August 3 to 5, 2023
Where: Parc des Pionniers, Baie-Comeau
What: “This festival will be held on the enchanting site of Parc des Pionniers. Musical performances, entertainment and culinary kiosks will be on the menu for this event during which a dozen brewers are expected, as well as distilleries.”
🍺 Foire bières, bouffe et culture de Plessisville – Foire Bières, Bouffe et Culture
When: August 8 to 13, 2023
Where: Plessisville
What: “Microbreweries and micro-distilleries from all over Quebec come together at the Fair to delight hop and spirit lovers. Foodtruck, 12 free shows, 34 artists and artisans and 350 exceptional cars will be on hand!”
🍺 Cérémonie – Saison 2023 — Bière Garden
When: August 11 and 12, 2023
Where: Bassin Peel, Montreal
What: “Very proud to be back in force this year with even more breweries and surprises, while keeping the same much-loved formula. 3 sessions, 500 tickets per session, unlimited refreshments. A collaboration between Bière Garden and Messorem.”
🍺 Festibière de Québec – Le Festibière de Québec
When: August 17-20, 2023
Where: Quai de l’Espace 400, Quebec City
What: “From August 17 to 20, the Festibière de Québec will give you a taste of summer, and nothing less! You’re sure to fall in and out of love with this 100% summer event at the Quays of Espace 400e. It’s the perfect opportunity to end the summer on a high note in an exotic atmosphere, all with a sunny beer in hand.”
🍽️ Le RibsFest de Trois-Rivières – Le RibFest de Trois-Rivières
When: August 18-20, 2023
Where: Parc portuaire, Trois-Rivières
What: “Restaurateurs, ribs, pulled pork eating contest, come and vote for the best ribs, family zone, picnic zone, bar with microbrewery beers and live band.”
🍟 Festival de la poutine de Drummondville – Festival de la poutine
When: August 24-26, 2023
Where: Centre Marcel-Dionne, Drummondville
What: “Over 10 poutine stands, plus an incredible musical program! Dumas, Roxanne Bruneau, Fouki, Vulgaires Machins, Cowboy Fringuants and more.”
🍺 KBC & friends – Microbrasserie Kahnawake Brewing Co
When: August 26, 2023
Where: Microbrasserie Kahnawake, Kahnawake
What: “A small-scale beer festival. Lots of fun, live music and food! Pleasure guaranteed.”

🍺 Bières et Saveurs de Chambly – Le Festival | Bières & Saveurs
When: September 1 to 4, 2023
Where: Fort-Chambly, Chambly
What: “This must-see event, organized by CONCEPT B, welcomes tens of thousands of festival-goers every year in a festive, relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere. Located on the banks of the Richelieu River at the Fort Chambly national historic site, the festival showcases the products of over 110 exhibitors, who invite you to sample craft beers, ciders, meads, wines and a panoply of local products from the 4 corners of Quebec, to the rhythm of musical performances, comedy shows, lectures for beer lovers and zythologists, and a variety of activities for children.”
*I’ll be on hand from September 1 to 4 to drink you in with the MaBrasserie and Sommelier Nordiq team. Come and see us!
🍔 Burger week – La Semaine du Burger 2022
When: September 1 to 14, 2023
Where: At participating restaurants
What: “Carefully selected restaurants from across Canada create a special burger for the event. Participants, meanwhile, enjoy original burgers while sharing their experiences on social networks and voting, for their favorites, on our website.”
Pssst… Stay tuned, because I’ve heard of a Chikenfried week… coming soon!
🍺 Oktoberfest Repentigny – Okto de Repentigny
When: September 8 to 10, 2023
Where: Parc de l’Île-Lebel, Repentigny
What: “One of the biggest events of its kind in Quebec, Repentigny’s Oktoberfest is much more than an opportunity to sample a vast selection of beers: it’s a unique experience focused on discovery and fun! It’s a not-to-be-missed event for the whole family, featuring a funfair, music and comedy shows, great food and, of course, the very best microbrews!”
*We’ll be at the launch and on site all weekend, I’ll be behind the Sommelier Nordiq bar. Come and see us!
🍹 Invasion Cocktail – Invasion cocktail
When: September 13 to 30, 2023
Where: At participating bars and restaurants
What: “Cocktail lovers will be delighted to know that the Invasion Cocktail festival is back for its 10th edition. On the program: exclusive cocktail creations in over 40 participating bars and restaurants, to be discovered with the passport available online free of charge.”
🍺 Grande Coulée – Festival de bière au Mont-Orford
When: September 15 to 17, 2023
Where: Mont-Orford
What: “In the heart of nature, at the foot of the slopes, a small brewing village awaits you. Get off the beaten track and head to Mont-Orford for the 7th edition of Quebec’s only mountain beer festival. Treat yourself to a trip to the summit of Mont Orford: enjoy the unique atmosphere and spectacular view from the Kezber Zone! Shall we drink at the summit?